Probably the worst game in Telltale’s renaissance since finding mass popularity, Game of Thrones is still a fine game, even if it does run like total ass far too often. So make sure to look up exactly what you need there. Coffin Dodgers is fine with friends, however, and the easy Plat makes it a target for completionists. If you’re lucky enough to get through the utterly wild Jazzpunk without your melted brain seeping out of your ears, you deserve a Platinum trophy. For the hefty price of $1, two Platinum Trophies never popped much cheaper. Thankfully, we put together a guide to make that search much easier. Tacoma is a great follow up to Gone Home from developer Fullbright. And no, it's not all dreck like Avatar: The Game. The list literally involves you tapping a mayo jar until all of the trophies unlock. While you’re there, start a petition for season two of this criminally underloved gem. InkSplosion is also Cross-Buy with a separate list for the Vita. Quick and Easy Platinum Trophies: Conclusion. I love this game’s subtitle because it almost isn’t a game at all. Etherborn is one of the best puzzle games of the year with you controlling a skeletal-looking figure that can walk on any surface by transferring to it along a curved edge. Plus, if you play Nubla and don’t manage to achieve the Platinum, you will go into the Hall of Shame – 98% of its players already have. However, like other similar games, Conan Exiles has an admin command line to make this Trophy list so very easy. The top 50 all time easiest and fastest platinum trophies you can earn on the PS4 (as of May '17). Easiest PS4 Platinum Trophies of 2020 So Far Now, before you get the wrong idea, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance doesn’t see … Where The Bees Make Honey is a bad game. Most are probably indifferent to them. The game isn’t half bad either. The Trophy list will tell you just what conditions you need to complete each stage as well. After that, just collect coins, buy hearts, and defeat all enemies. For more information on this exploit, hop over to this guide for further detail; see Trophy Infinity Layer #50. Simply complete each stage, complete each stage with a certain condition, and find all collectible art paintings found in each map. Some ultra easy platinum trophies require 100 hours (any turn based rpg) and some super hard platinum trophies require only a few hours (sound shapes). A cool thing about the Trophy set for Deadly Tower of Monsters is that each earned Trophy contributes to upgrading your character. Unlike Hitman, though, Lara Croft Go has no Trophy for not using hints. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of PS4 games, with a few additional PS3 and PS Vita games, where you can achieve Platinums in a relatively short period of time. Nonetheless, this is a very simple Platinum with a few mini-games that might hold up that final Trophy for a little bit. Mistakes can be made on a runthrough, and you can still hear that final Trophy pop within an hour of starting. Gameplay itself is a bit of a side-scroller with multiple lanes you run through to collect orbs. Point and click games seem to be hallowed ground for completionists. It’s known to crash here and there, so even though it doesn’t take long to beat, game issues will stretch out completion time. Until Dawn is a bit more time-consuming only because it requires multiple play-throughs to get every... 13 The Little Acre. The Effie Platinum will run you about six hours of game time. From the indie video game to the dominating AAA that needs a 1000Gb day one update, we’ve got you covered. For instance, Youtuber IBadDriverI runs a nice, clean guide to navigate the tricky mini-games. A pro is that it’s almost always on sale, usually running around $5. In fact, if you have a Vita, you can get a free Platinum that way as well, since the game is Cross-Buy with Sony’s handheld. Check out our list of the 10 easiest PS4 platinums that you can be proud to have on your list! It’s powerful, beautifully designed and comes with everything you need to engage your visitors and increase conversions. Telltale. You may need a guide, but as Jazzpunk is such an easy, enjoyable game that’s over within about two hours, it’s worth doing a bit of reading up on or watching a walkthrough on YouTube. Luckily, we have a guide showcasing all the puzzle locations in both New Game and New Game +, allowing you to beat the game in around 5 hours. Teslagrad is a Metroidvania-like game that promotes exploration in order to obtain unlocks through the 36 scrolls you find. The finale is a “point of no return,” so before moving on to the final Core Memory, make sure to go back and grab all the collectibles–oh, and be sure to ring the bell in the Institution once you return to it. Save often in this game. Though, a guide would narrow completion time closer to the five-hour estimation on PSN Profiles, but there’s no real need to do so outside of the finale. This is a perfect way to spend an hour on a Sunday adding to your trophy collection. You're sick of all easy platinum games being rubbish, right? All but one of the trophies are earned in your first playthrough. There’s a neat game to be enjoyed, too. It’s a simple case of completing the game and trying not to miss the four trophies that are separate. ... here are some of the hardest Platinum Trophies to get on the PS4. Super Exploding Zoo! Grim Fandango might be less appealing to someone looking for an easy Platinum, but with a little effort and some workarounds, it won’t take much more than fifteen hours. From the same developer as Mr.Massagy comes another super easy ps4 platinum. Whether you're looking to fill your Steam achievement cabinet, gain an easy 1,000 Gamerscore in an Xbox title or nab a swift Platinum Trophy in a PlayStation game, many players have sought out games that are easy to 100 percent complete so they can flesh out their online profile with proof of their achievement. TrueTrophies is the home of Playstation trophies for PlayStation 5 and all other PlayStation platforms. You can do the whole thing in one sitting, if you can put up with a pretty atrocious shooter for that long. One Night Stand has a unique atmosphere all its own. What’s nice about these is that they don’t take very long to unlock. We've got you covered. A few require you to do specific things while playing, but most of them ask you to reach the different endings. Just go into the challenge list and follow their directions. Keep an eye out too when we bring you easy Platinum Trophies for PS5 too when it kicks off the next generation of home consoles sometime in 2020. This is fairly common. While there are plenty of things to collect, the flow of the game is rather dependent on keys and items you find along the way, which are part of the narrative, so not everything can be obtained right away. They provide a great write-up on how to unlock all missables. The real work comes from making sure that you don’t miss anything in each chapter, indicated as “years,” and moving past them without fulfilling that year’s requirements means that you’ve missed a trophy or two. Plus, if you have it, you can get a second Platinum on the Vita! Try not to wince at some of the sleepy voice acting from the show’s real cast and you will have another shiny blue trophy to add to your collection. That’s just etiquette. What makes this Trophy set so appealing is that nothing is missable, so going back to get pickups is just a level select away. In fact, it’s doubtful that anyone apart from completionists have even bothered to give it a try; it’s just that bad. And, whilst not exactly quick to earn, all you have to do to get the platinum trophy for Mosaic is to press the ‘X’ button over and over again for about 12-15 hours. A second playthrough is required to get the trophy for the alternate ending. Side note: PowerPyx, PSN Profiles, and PlayStation Trophies are great resources for guides and organizing online sessions in games with barren servers. Much like Deadly Towers, Teslagrad allows you to play through the game as you want, if you prefer, and come back later for the rest of the Trophies; though a guide will see you getting that Platinum after only four hours. The game itself is rather simple, and a couple of the trophies require a little bit of a grind. Most of the trophies are miscellaneous and missable. However, Maka91Productions on Youtube has created an incredibly handy walkthrough of the game, which shows you how to get every trophy in just one playthrough! Super Neptunia RPG remains as one of the few RPGs on this list. Get ready for a madcap racer, unlike anything you have played before. Also, the American and European versions of Super Neptunia RPG also require more accessories and weapons than the Japanese version. Almost everyone who plays this game gets the Platinum, so if you don’t, you might need to turn off your Playstation and think about some stuff. All enemies must be defeated in order to progress anyway, so almost all of the Trophies are unmissable. So, trophy hunters, it’s time to unite and get chasing these easy platinum trophies on PS4 – the digital representation of how far someone will go to get 100% completion on a video game. Hey everyone I am back with 10 more extremely Easy PS4 Platinum Trophies be sure to check out my first list as well located here The list of games in the video are as follows Oceanhorn Rugby 15 Catlateral Damage Albedo Eyes from Outerspace Nubla Jazzpunk Virginia No random ‘go here and do this’ trophies. Pro tip: have the host be the console you want the Trophies on; so if you’re working on the Vita list, host the game with the Vita. This is a customizable subscription pop-up to sign up your visitors to your newsletter, 50 Easiest PS4 Platinum Trophies You Should Collect, Fortnite: Find A Family Portrait From A Shipwreck, Fortnite: Visit Scenic Spot, Gorgeous Gorge & Mount Kay, Fortnite Season 5: Flint-Knock Pistol Stats & Location, Llambro Is Fortnite Crew’s March 2021 Skin, New Games Out This Week: Persona 5 Strikers, Bravely Default & More, 15 Best Free Horror Games You Should Download, Days of the Bagnold Summer REVIEW – Relatable & Comforting, Together Together REVIEW – Refreshingly Mellow | Sundance 2021, Mortal Kombat Fans Are Up in Arms About Johnny Cage’s Movie Exclusion, Derry Girls To Film Third Season This Year, The Simpsons Revives Mrs. Krabappel As Tribute To The Late Marcia Wallace, WandaVision: Season 1 – Episode 7 ‘Breaking The Fourth Wall’ REVIEW, 7 Book Characters Who Prove Kindness Always Wins, The Library Of The Dead: A Unique Ghost Story, 10 Steamy Romance Books To Seek A Dalliance With, The City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty REVIEW, The Displaced by Viet Thanh Nguyen REVIEW, Piecing Me Together by Renée Watson REVIEW, King Cohen (2018) REVIEW – Effortlessly Appealing, Animal Crossing: New Horizons Tips & Guides. There are likely hundreds more games like this out there and this game only covers the extreme cases of sub-one-hour easy platinum trophies when there are plenty out there which are just as easy and take just 2 … A great resource for the guide can be found here. The Wolf Among us did have a couple of collectables, but they were easily obtainable through normal gameplay. This Platinum is rather guide-heavy, so it’s really up to you on how you want to approach this. Nubla is another one of those games with a very simple path to the Platinum Trophy. One major con is having to follow a guide for the game’s few collectibles. Simply follow the main story and remember to do a couple of quirky requirements and you’ll see your rating rise with ease. And sure, no Platinum Trophy is meant to be easy to get, but there are some games where the developers went way too far. Even better, it has a Platinum that can be achieved with little fuss, especially as Rapture is a game that you cannot fail at. Join Cultured Vultures as we bring you some of the biggest news from the world of wrestling. Apart from accumulating 10k taps on the mayo jar, certain challenges have to be completed. This is not a good game. Mosaic is a compelling tale of capitalism and modern city life. Equally so, One Night Stand has a very easy Trophy list. This game requires a long list of puzzles completed en route to the Platinum. Which is where these easy trophies come into play. Like Hitman Go, you must navigate Lara through each stage, avoiding all the things that want to kill her. It’s really very simple, adding a super quick and easy Platinum Trophy to your cabinet. We cover gaming news, movie reviews, wrestling and much more. The trickiest part is making sure you have your private world set up correctly. 4.8M Gamers Tracked 375.5K Members 342.4K Trophies Tracked 11.7K Games Tracked 3.474B Trophies Earned 25.19M Platinums Earned 233.61M Games Played New Trophy Lists More What easy Platinum Trophies have you collected? Possibly one of the most polarising games of the eighth generation, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture is a visually classy walking simulator that annoyed a lot of people with just how bare bones it was. For the quickest path, follow the few necessary directions indicated in this guide. Cybarian is another one of those games you don’t have to really finish in order to unlock its Platinum Trophy. However, what is rather unique to My Name Is Mayo, at least to me, is that it offers that silly departure from the grind with a modest yet oddly refreshing Trophy List. It’s still a fine little title if you enjoy slowly unravelling narratives. Easy Platinum Trophies For PS4 – You really don’t need to be the best Trophy Hunter in the world to get your hands on some easy Platinum Trophies on PS4. Each playthrough lasts 15 minutes, and rushing through each playthrough takes no more than 3 minutes or so. There’s arguably nothing more satisfying than a PS4 platinum trophy for a 100% completion rate on the entire planet, and that includes when you manage to crack all five of your knuckles in a row. This is a perfect Platinum palette cleanser. In fact, 8BitsOfVelvet on Youtube has a great 100% walkthrough for you to find everything in one run through the game. 50 Easiest PS4 Platinum Trophies You Should Collect. Having several Platinum Trophies on your PlayStation … At that point, you can go back and unlock everything else needed for the Platinum; in fact, you don’t have to do the remaining 20 stages at all for the Platinum; but they’re there for you if you so choose to go on. In fact, if you have a PS4 and Vita, you can jump into a lobby with both versions and boost the online Trophies yourself. The other tricky Trophy will be killing someone by standing on them. What makes this title an enjoyable Platinum is that the game itself is rather good! a great guide for the game here on PSN Profiles, guide showcasing all the puzzle locations. Both the Vita and PS4 versions share one Trophy list, but Cross-Buy and Cross-Play allows you to continue your playthrough wherever you are. As you’ve come to expect, the Platinum here is as easy as killing off the Lannisters: just go through the game and complete all five episodes. Regardless, Inksplosion will take an hour at the most. There’s no difficulty involved whatsoever – it’s a game that’s only gameplay is selecting prompts. So, you’ll have to build a very tall structure out of walls and floors in order to pop the Iron Shadows in The Moon Trophy. Some of the coverage you find on Cultured Vultures contains affiliate links, which provide us with small commissions based on purchases made from visiting our site. unfortunately features online Trophies to reach the Platinum. It isn’t hard to do if you simply look in the off-beaten path. Apart from that, feel free to play through the game until you unlock the final world, or until you complete the first 60 stages. The Trophy List is rather straightforward, with the majority of the list popping as the narrative beats pass by. Usually associated with competitive players who have jumped through hoops and spent hours playing games in order to unlock the most coveted PS4 Trophy, these elusive collectibles aren’t out of your grasp. Want to impress your friends but don't have the time? Its Trophies are also pretty simple to acquire. Mosaic is a compelling tale of capitalism and modern city life. Terminator Resistance is such an easy platinum our reviewer got it without even trying to. So, just complete as many side quests as possible and buy all unique weapons/accessories from all vendors you can. You can master Nubla in under an hour, making it a quick and easy self-confidence booster. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) has 78 Trophies. 1 Easy Platinum Trophies on PS4. If you are anything like me Im tired of googling “games with all offline platinum trophies” and getting EASY games to platinum that are utter crap, for example Terminator Salvation: The Game.. Like I’m going to spend my hard earned money on a pile of … I managed to finish it in 22 minutes. For some reason or another, the second season of Telltale’s seminal The Walking Dead series doesn’t come with its own Plat. The only collectibles the game tracks are the audio logs, but it has trophies for every item you can pick up. Conan Exiles may seem like a super-long, time-milking Platinum list. Paradox Soul sees you escaping from a massive lab, using whatever you find along the way to get out you. Gathering enough flowers and breaking enough flowerpots takes up the last bit of time on this list, but it’s not a great deal of added time. In fact, Grim Fandango has seven missable Trophies, so this is one that would be tough to do without a guide. Inksplosion is a walk in the park when it comes to Platinum Trophies. PS4: 11 EASY Platinum Trophies You Can Unlock In Under 5 Hours. It’s been panned by critics and gamers alike, though it does give an easy Platinum that only asks you to keep an eye out for collectibles and similar fare. To earn all 36 Trophies, you collect 36 scrolls hidden through the Tower of Teslagrad. Dip into it every week or so with the help of a guide and find everything you need to. How to earn every trophy, including the hidden trophies, from the main campaign and DLCs, as well how easy it is to earn the Platinum Trophy. The only catches are four missable Trophies. Clocking in at about five hours from start to Plat, Color Guardians is quite the attractive trophy set. If you remain aware of these gathering Trophies and try to collect extras along the way, the overall experience feels more organic. Escher-style levels to open the path forward and move on to the next level. Easy platinum trophies. Chubby gremlin in charge of this place. This is a good thing, because forcing a draw with only one animal left has too many variables to it to do naturally. Others hates them. Super simple, mindless Platinum games garner a lot of flack for those who collect them. Day of the Tentacle Remastered is a point-and-click that takes a bit longer to Platinum, averaging around six hours or so. ... though it does give an easy Platinum that only asks you to keep an eye out for collectibles and similar fare. From Fortnite to Hearthstone and everything in-between, we have you covered with our gaming tips and guides. Easiness: 10/10 On this page, I will list all the games that I come across that have platinum trophies … Slyde – 98.49% Most Common PS4 Platinum Trophies Most of the list unlocks naturally, with only a couple of Trophies needing specific choices made along the way. Time required: 45 minutes. You're a goat. View all the Trophies here Earning four stars in the Challenge Arenas is next, but they’re made much easier once your character is developed from the story mode. Both the Vita and PS4 version have different lists, but Energy Core must be purchased on both versions. The fastest is two playthroughs, one for collecting everything and the other for a more organic experience. Every trophy hunter is seeking quick and easy platinum trophy games for their PS4 (or PS3 if they are living under the rock). Like I said, you can very easily miss what you need to get to Platinum, so be sure to look up a guide on where to find what you need. Cross-Buy is not an option, I’m afraid. From his childhood to his first love and loss, the story of Arise will force you to feel all sorts of emotions. Curse of the Dead Gods (Nintendo Switch / PC / PS4 / Xbox One), Taxi Chaos (Nintendo Switch / PS4 / Xbox One), We Were Here Series (PC / PS4 / Xbox One), Persona 5 Strikers (Nintendo Switch / PC / PS4), Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Heart Of The Forest (Nintendo Switch / PC / PS4 / Xbox One), Pumpkin Jack (Android / Nintendo Switch / PC / PS4 / Xbox One), RetroMaina Wrestling (Nintendo Switch / PC / PS4 / Xbox One), Yupitergrad (HTC Vive / Oculus Quest / Oculus Rift / PSVR / Valve Index). Most guides work well, but the PS4 version of Conan does not always activate flying. Related Content – Sony PS5 Complete Guide – A Total Resource On PlayStation 5. All you need to do is play through the game and finish the 5 side missions that are a part of the Back To Pasadena Onward. To tie in with the box office disaster, a point and click game was released for some reason and was just as well received as the movie. Zeen is a next generation WordPress theme. To earn the platinum all you have to do is beat the game on both New Game and New Game +. Whether it’s because it’s usually very hard to reach a fail state or that they’re typically short, Platinums are never too far away. Since they’re rather peculiar, I recommend checking out their requirements on Severed is a charmingly morbid dungeon-crawler, Metroidvania game that also has a welcoming Trophy set, which will only take about ten hours or so. Completion time normally runs about 2 to 3 hours, but this exploits shortens completion time to anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes. However, a convenient exploit exists where the entire list of challenges fly by after pressing X at the right time. PS4: 10 Easy Platinum Trophies That Won't Take You Long To Unlock. However, there’s no in-game tracker, so if you miss one, you’ll have to go through the game again until the right one pops the Trophy. Hi to all you gamers out there!!! News, guides, leaderboards, reviews and more Some people love them. To some degree yes. Don’t rush to unlock all endings straight away; it’s a pretty quick way to get burnt out on a flawed but interesting title. This probably attests to its low Platinum percentage. Playing through naturally will mean that it’ll take three playthroughs to get the Platinum, extending past the 10-hour Platinum estimate, but the game has a strong aesthetic and nuance to it that I can’t see many people minding an extra run through the game. The challenge is not excruciating, but using hints will shorted completion time to about 2 or 3 hours. The core gameplay mechanic involves you finding out what happened to the crew members on the space station, Tacoma, by rewinding an AR display and viewing recordings from each room on the station. © 2006-2021 PlayStation Universe, All Rights Reserved. All this requires is to reach 100k points in Classic Mode and kill 100 enemies without dying in Hard Mode. If you want to fill out your collection of platinums without having to put in too much work, we've got the perfect solution for you. Then kill one enemy in Hard Mode. Just make sure to collect all relics in each area before moving on, because you won’t be able to return to all areas later on. A confusingly presented “game” (it used to be a cinema experience before being brought to consoles), Late Shift is an FMV title that boasts over four hours of film within, but you’re going to have to play through it multiple times to find every scene. Playing through the game without skipping anything will net you about 15-20 hours. Whether you follow a guide or explore on your own to get the endings, One Night Stand shouldn’t take you too long to complete. Online Trophies and shutdown servers ruined a good Trophy list. Regardless, the list is quite manageable. Realistically, you can find your way through every room to escape, but you only need to reach room 33 for the final Trophy. Even if you miss it, a single playthrough takes little more than 30 minutes. So, this means that the entire game can be played while using hints at every turn, if needed. GREAT games with FUN platinum trophies.. especially OFFLINE trophies. It’s a run-of-the-mill karting game with old people that feels like it should really belong to an earlier generation of gaming. Since exploration is a major part of this game, it’s best to seek out a guide only when you’re stuck. While this is a fairly easy Trophy list, the few missable Trophies revolve around collecting relics in each area of the game. I’ve also included completion rates, factored from PSN Profiles, to help show how easy a lot of these are. Won't know peace until I have Titanfall 3 in my hands. Lara Croft Go is a great example of a moderately challenging game made incredibly easy, with an easy Platinum Trophy by proxy. 10 MORE EXTREMELY EASY PS4 PLATINUM TROPHIES. That’s two Platinums in under an hour for $4.99 total. Energy Core is kind of a broken Trophy list in the best way. So, just expect it to be more frustrating than the PS4 version. If you are looking for a more modern game to earn an easy Platinum Trophy in then we suggest picking Horizon ... PS4, PS4 Pro. A lot of the trophies available are tied in with the story, but there are plenty of odd little sidemissions to beat involving pigeons. Apart from that, you can go through the rest of the narrative naturally. Most of the collectibles and challenges along the way can be skipped or missed, leaving specific Trophies needing further attention later on. Tacoma is a great follow up to Gone Home from developer Fullbright. However, if you skip everything and utilize the game’s combat speed boost, you’ll reach the end of the main storyline in 5 hours.
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